The crisis is entering a crucial, critical phase 目前危机正进入决定性的关键阶段。
Timely and targeted fiscal stimulus can add to aggregate demand in a way that supports private consumption during a critical phase. 通过在关键时期支持个人消费的方式,及时和有针对性的财政激励措施能够扩大总需求。
I think tonight's verdict is a critical phase in the recovery and healing of this city, of the people of this region. 我认为今晚的判决是这座城市和这里人民恢复和疗伤过程中重要的阶段。
The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog agency says the standoff over iran's nuclear program is at a critical phase, but he says it is not a crisis. 联合国国际原子能机构负责人表示,伊朗核计划争端目前处于一个关键时刻,但是他说,这并不是危机时刻。
Despite the inclement weather, this critical phase of the relocation exercise was completed successfully. 天气虽然恶劣,搬迁行动的最重要阶段成功完成。
Discussions on the Four Critical Phase in Cost Control of Exquisite Decoration Engineering 浅议四个关键阶段控制精装修工程成本
At present, China is at a critical phase of development. 目前,中国正处于关键的发展时期。
It is especially strange that Downer is arcing up at Rudd now, given that the Cyprus negotiations over which he is presiding are entering a critical phase. 这是特别奇怪的是唐纳是电弧现在就在陆克文,鉴于塞浦路斯进行谈判,他是主持正进入一个关键阶段。
Further more, the CGL equation that used to describe the superconductor in its critical phase has been incorporated into complex diffusion equation to form a shock filtering model that has the ability of enhancing edges in the process of noise elimination; 将描述超导体临界状态的CGL方程与复数扩散方程相结合,提出一种锐化滤波模型,该方法能够显著增强锐化边缘,同时滤除噪声;
A laser-diode pumped CW Nd ∶ YVO_4 green laser with KTP ( type-ⅱ critical phase matching) is reported. 报道了LD端面泵浦Nd∶YVO4晶体、类相位匹配KTP腔内倍频的绿光激光器。
It is pointed out that the imaging between the percolation model and classical model of critical phase transition provide a simple effective method for studying a great deal of phenomena. 逾渗模型与临界点相变的经典模型之间的映像为研究许多现象提供了一种简便可行的方法。
An analysis of the critical phase transition phenomena of one-dimension probability cellular automata evolution 一维几率性细胞自动机演化的临界相变现象分析
Collegial period is the critical phase of personality shaping and development of a college student. Cultivating healthy personality in college students is necessary for their physical and mental well-being and their growth and development, as well as development of high education and society in our country. 大学时期是大学生人格形成与发展的关键阶段,对大学生进行健康人格的培养与教育,是大学生身心健康、成长与发展的需要,也是我国高等教育发展与社会发展的需要。
The stress energy tensor of closed universe is investigated within the Friedmann Robertson Walker model, the critical phase of closed universe is studed with the analysis of stress and the energy condition. 本文在Friedmann-Robertson-Walker模型下考察了闭合宇宙的应力能量张量,并用应力分析和能量条件对闭合宇宙临界相进行了讨论。
Thermosensitive polymers with upper critical solution temperature ( UCST) are introduced, which exhibit a high critical phase transition temperature. Their phase transition and the relative factors are discussed. 介绍了一类具有高临界相转变温度(UCST)的热敏性高分子材料,并对其相转变机理、热敏性影响因素及表征方法做了讨论。
In this article we took the example of the two-dimensional Ising model, applied renormalization group method and numerical simulation, made a deep research and study on the paramagnetic-ferromagnetic critical phase transition problem. 本文就是以二维Ising自旋动力学模型为例,分别运用重正化群和数值模拟方法,对二维铁磁相变现象做了深入的研究和探讨。
The precuring is a critical phase in the quick cement intensity test because it is an important premise of the 28 day compressive strength's prediction. 检测方法中最佳的养护制度是准确预测标准养护条件下水泥28d抗压强度的重要保证。
The feature description and evaluation is the critical phase in image mining. 在图像挖掘中,最关键的步骤是提取图像特征并对之进行描述和评价;
On the basis of the definition of the order agree, it is discussed that the order agree of the critical phase changes of non-equilibrium has a sudden change and the transfer intensity may get a sudden increase. 提出了有序度概念并在此基础上,论述了非平衡相变是有序度的突变,其传递强度可以得到突变的增加。
The critical phase of cell differentiation occurs when the death programme is being run. 细胞分化的临界期就处于死亡程序执行中的某个阶段。
The infant stage is also a critical phase in personal power of thought development. 幼儿阶段又是一个人思维能力发展的关键阶段。
So research fiscal policy affect the resident consumer is particularly important in this critical phase of economic and social transition. 所以在这个经济社会转型的关键时期,研究财政政策如何影响居民消费尤为重要。
Inductive teacher education, a critical phase in teacher education, helps beginning teachers accomplish the transformation from student of teaching to qualified teacher and plays an important role in the professional development of teachers. 入职教育作为教师教育中承上启下的关键期,对帮助初任教师向合格教师的角色转变,促进教师专业发展起重要作用。
It has always been the centralized region of various social contradictions featuring as concentrated, complicated, frequently occurring and easily intensifying in the critical phase of economic restructuring and social transformation in China. 是各种社会矛盾的集中区域,并且在我国经济转型、社会转型的关键时期呈现出集中性、复杂性、多发性和容易激化等特征。
Model synthesis, as a critical phase in model-based embedded software development, has important influence on fulfilling the non-functional constraints of embedded software and generating the correct embedded software. 模型综合是基于模型嵌入式软件开发的重要阶段,该阶段对于满足嵌入式软件的非功能约束,生成正确的嵌入式软件具有重要的意义。
The establishment of the bank listing on the Stock Market on January, 19th, 2009 made it in a substantive and critical phase. 2009年01月19日农业银行的成功上市使其处于实质性和关键性的阶段。
Yuan-Ming period in Chinese history is an important stage for the development of Chinese Phonology, as well as a critical phase of the middle ancient Chinese transiting to modern Chinese. 元明时期是汉语语音史上一个重要时段,是中古汉语向近代汉语转变的关键时期。